Munna Dyes

Food Colors

Food Colors

Colors are important. Not just in what we see, but what we eat as well. The incecreams might lose a lot of its favor, if they’re not of the right color. Same goes for the yellow we get in our food from turmeric, or the green of leaves which they get form chlorophyll, and so on.

Being a premium brand in food colors, as well as one of the most trustworthy food colours manufacturers in the country, we at Munna Dyes understand the nuances of creating beautiful and vibrant blends of organic and synthetic food colors, which are up to the mark in their quality. For we only follow the highest standards of quality and hygiene, our food color find an industry wide usage.

COLOUR Shade COLOUR NAME. EEC No. C.I. Concentration % Indusrtial Name FD & C Certified
TARTRAZINE E102 19140 85 Acid Yellow 23 Yellow #5
QUINOLINE YELLOW E104 47005 70 Acid Yellow 3 -
SUNSET YELLOW E110 15985 85 Yellow #6
CARMOISINE E122 14720 85 Acid Red 14
AMARANTH E123 16185 85 Acid Red 27 -
PONCEAU 4R E124 16255 80 Acid Red 18
ERYTHROSINE E127 45430 87 Acid Red 51 Red #3
Red 2G E128 18050 80
ALLURA RED AC E129 16035 85 Red #40
PATENT BLUE V E131 42051 85 Acid Blue 3
INDIGO CARMINE E132 73015 85 Blue #2
BRILLIANT BLUE FCF E133 42090 85 Acid Blue 9 Blue #1
GREEN S E142 44090 80 Acid Green 50